Thursday, January 30, 2014

Girls Can Do Anything!!

Check out this cool video with a reminder that girls can do ANYTHING they want to!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy Start-of-GBG-Day!

We're so excited to launch GBG today!

We had a great meeting and discussed the "ground rules" for our group.

1. Each of us has the right to talk- so we will respect the speaker without interruption or side conversations.

2. Each of us has the right to pass when it comes to sharing within the group.

3. We will all respect each others’ confidentiality. What we share in here stays in here, unless you said it.

We also talked about girls we admire and made a list of the qualities they have.  Then we made signs for our lockers with the qualities WE have that we admire!  They turned out B-E-A-utiful!  These positive affirmations will remind us to focus on all the good things about ourselves.

We're so looking forward to this group and growing into better, stronger girls together!

 Who Runs the World?

Love, Miss Sheets, Mrs. Gasson & Mrs. Krugh :)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Things Won't Change Until We Change Them

Love this video on what we see when we look in the mirror...and what we SHOULD focus on instead!

Pairs beautifully with this quote from pretty lady Audrey Hepburn:

Friday, January 24, 2014

100 Empowering Compliments for Girls

What a lovely blog I came across on ways to tell a girl a meaningful, non-superficial compliment.  Check it out!

My favorites:
I admire your imagination.
I'm proud of how respectful you are.
You're gifted with the ability to initiate.
You look confident.
You make me smile!
I'm lucky to know you.
I like you just the way you are.
Bullying strategists Jane Balvanz and Blair Wagner publish GAPRA’s bi-weekly articles. If you’re ready to guide children in grades K – 12 through painful friendships and emotional bullying: For help with emotional bullying:   For the When Girls Hurt Girls® program:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lovely You

I love this Roald Dahl quote.  It reminds me of yesterday's post about what REAL beauty is!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

30 Resolutions to be a Better Friend

I came across this great article called, "30 Resolutions for Girls with Friendship Problems," but really I think it's helpful for ANYONE!

Blair Wagner developed this list of affirmations/ resolutions to help us be better friends and better girls!

Resolution #1: I resolve to stand up for myself.
Resolution #2: I resolve to pay attention to which friends feel good to be around and which friends don’t.
Resolution #3: I resolve to walk away from situations I don’t want to be part of.
Resolution #4: I resolve to think about what I want in a friend.
Resolution #5: I resolve to smile at girls who don’t have friends.
Resolution #6: I resolve to be a Positive Active Bystander when I see bullying.
Resolution #7: I resolve to practice using a strong voice.
Resolution #8: I resolve to ask for friendship help from a trusted adult when I need it.
Resolution #9: I resolve to be honest with my friends.
Resolution #10: I resolve to trust my gut over what anyone else says.
Resolution #11: I resolve to stand tall.
Resolution #12: I resolve to avoid negative text messages.
Resolution #13: I resolve to do what feels right to me.
Resolution #14: I resolve to try out new friends.
Resolution #15: I resolve to say goodbye to friendships that aren’t healthy for me.
Resolution #16: I resolve to ask questions when I realize I’m making assumptions.
Resolution #17: I resolve to let go of sarcasm.
Resolution #18: I resolve to speak up instead of get revenge.
Resolution #19: I resolve to say how I feel.
Resolution #20: I resolve to respect myself as much as I respect my friends.
Resolution #21: I resolve to look for friends who treat others kindly.
Resolution #22: I resolve to ignore negative gestures.
Resolution #23: I resolve to stick with friends I can trust.
Resolution #24: I resolve to be open to making lots of friends.
Resolution #25: I resolve to avoid gossip and rumors.
Resolution #26: I resolve to stay away from friends who manipulate and use relational aggression.
Resolution #27: I resolve to keep others’ secrets private.
Resolution #28: I resolve to talk to girls who are being given the silent treatment.
Resolution #29: I resolve to never say, “Just kidding.”
Resolution #30: I resolve to be myself.

Which one is your favorite!?

Female friendship experts Jane Balvanz and Blair Wagner publish A Way Through, LLC’s Guiding Girls ezine. If you’re ready to guide girls in grades K – 8 through painful friendships, get your FREE mini audio workshop and ongoing tips now at

Friday, January 17, 2014

Dove Real Beauty

Have you seen this amazing video?  It's such a powerful way to realize that MANY of the images we see every day and strive to look like aren't even REAL!

So get out and celebrate REAL beauty!  By the way, how cute is this boy?

YOU look beautiful today!  :)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Why Girls Being Girls?

We're so excited to work with our awesome girls this year in Girls Being Girls!  This group will provide strategies to help us be the best girls we can be!

Some topics we'll cover include:

*        What society tells us we should be as a girl vs. what we really are as unique individual girls

*        What we each stand for as a girl

*        Having a voice and using it appropriately (body posture, being present in a conversation, eye contact, tone of voice, etc.)

*        Friendship fouls (things we do not do/say to others even when we are in disagreement with them)

*        The dangers of saying things you can’t take back

*        The power of communicating your thoughts and feelings with people you can trust

*        The types of girls we want to be

Looking forward to it!
Love, Miss Sheets, Mrs. Gasson & Mrs. Krugh :)