I came across this great article called, "30 Resolutions for Girls with Friendship Problems," but really I think it's helpful for ANYONE!
Blair Wagner developed this list of affirmations/ resolutions to help us be better friends and better girls!
Resolution #1: I resolve to stand up for myself.
Resolution #2: I resolve to pay attention to which friends feel good to be around and which friends don’t.
Resolution #3: I resolve to walk away from situations I don’t want to be part of.
Resolution #4: I resolve to think about what I want in a friend.
Resolution #5: I resolve to smile at girls who don’t have friends.
Resolution #6: I resolve to be a Positive Active Bystander when I see bullying.
Resolution #7: I resolve to practice using a strong voice.
Resolution #8: I resolve to ask for friendship help from a trusted adult when I need it.
Resolution #9: I resolve to be honest with my friends.
Resolution #10: I resolve to trust my gut over what anyone else says.
Resolution #11: I resolve to stand tall.
Resolution #12: I resolve to avoid negative text messages.
Resolution #13: I resolve to do what feels right to me.
Resolution #14: I resolve to try out new friends.
Resolution #15: I resolve to say goodbye to friendships that aren’t healthy for me.
Resolution #16: I resolve to ask questions when I realize I’m making assumptions.
Resolution #17: I resolve to let go of sarcasm.
Resolution #18: I resolve to speak up instead of get revenge.
Resolution #19: I resolve to say how I feel.
Resolution #20: I resolve to respect myself as much as I respect my friends.
Resolution #21: I resolve to look for friends who treat others kindly.
Resolution #22: I resolve to ignore negative gestures.
Resolution #23: I resolve to stick with friends I can trust.
Resolution #24: I resolve to be open to making lots of friends.
Resolution #25: I resolve to avoid gossip and rumors.
Resolution #26: I resolve to stay away from friends who manipulate and use relational aggression.
Resolution #27: I resolve to keep others’ secrets private.
Resolution #28: I resolve to talk to girls who are being given the silent treatment.
Resolution #29: I resolve to never say, “Just kidding.”
Resolution #30: I resolve to be myself.
Which one is your favorite!?
Female friendship experts Jane Balvanz and Blair Wagner publish A Way Through, LLC’s Guiding Girls ezine. If you’re ready to guide girls in grades K – 8 through painful friendships, get your FREE mini audio workshop and ongoing tips now at www.AWayThrough.com